NCCR Microbiomes Introductory Seminars
The NCCR Microbiomes has opened its series of introductory seminars. Evangelia Vayena, PhD student in the Laboratory of Computational Systems Biology at EPFL kicked off our series on 22 September with an online talk about ‘Metabolic network reconstruction and data integration for microbiomes’. Up to 50 people followed her seminar on Zoom and joined in a lively discussion.
Throughout Autumn 2020, eight introductory methodological seminars are giving the NCCR community insights into computational and experimental methods that will be used across several different projects within our network. The NCCR Microbiomes is strongly committed to knowledge sharing, which will help build a tightly knit community.
For the time being all NCCR seminars will take place online. As soon as the Covid situation allows it, we look forward to switching to live seminars, which will be streamed for the NCCR members who cannot attend them on site. Our seminar series will combine invited external speakers and progress report seminars from NCCR member labs.
If you’re interested in following the NCCR Microbiomes Seminar Series, don’t hesitate to contact us!