NCCR Microbiomes
Eavan Dorcey
Robin Tecon
Design and programming
WIS17 Agency
Image description and credits
Homepage – Sliders
- Mission: Fluorescent micrograph showing microbiota associated with plant roots. Courtesy of Christoph Keel.
- Network: Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph showing soil microbes from the Uetliberg, Zurich, Switzerland. Courtesy of Soil and Terrestrial Physics at ETH Zurich (Dani Or).
- News: Illustration of a severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 virion (SARS-CoV-2). Credit: US Center of Disease Control, public domain.
Homepage – Boxes
- Research: photo pipet: Photo by Louis Reed on Unsplash
- Governance: photo courtesy of Manupryiam Dubey.
About Us
- Mission: top image courtesy of Yolanda Schaerli; bottom image courtesy of Julia Vorholt.
- Organisation: Bead interaction studies. Courtesy of Manupryiam Dubey.
- Network: Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph showing soil microbes microbes from the Uetliberg, Zurich, Switzerland. Courtesy of Soil and Terrestrial Physics at ETH Zurich (Dani Or).
- Associated members: Interacting pseudomonas in a growing colony. Image courtesy of Manupryiam Dubey.
- Open positions: Bacterial range expansion on agar plate. Image courtesy of Sara Mitri.
- Overview: Top image: Citrobacter rodentium (green) infecting the colon of a mouse (blue: DNA; grey: Actin) (ref). Courtesy of Siegfried Hapfelmeier. Bottom image: Fluorescent micrograph showing microbiota associated with plant roots. Courtesy of Christoph Keel.
- WP1: Color-enhanced scanning electron micrograph showing Salmonella Typhimurium (red) invading cultured human cells. Credit: US National Institutes of Health, public domain.
- WP2: Confocal fluorescence microscopy images of mouse intestine tissues (blue: gut epithelium; red: SalmonellaTyphimurium in the lumen; green: cell nuclei and gut microbiota) (ref). Courtesy of Wolf-Dietrich Hardt.
- WP3: Wheat roots. Courtesy of Christoph Keel.
- WP4: Microbial granules for wastewater treatment (ref). Courtesy of Christof Holliger.
- WP5: Repressilator (ref). Courtesy of Yolanda Schaerli
- WP6: E. coli growing in microfluidic chambers. Phenotypic variation among cells in a chamber (shown by fluorescent markers) arises due to glucose and acetate gradients (ref). Courtesy of Alma Dal Co, Simon van Vliet and Martin Ackermann
- Bacterial colonies on a Petri dish: courtesy of Yolanda Schaerli
Tech Transfer
- CRISPRlator driven oscillations (ref). Courtesy of Yolanda Schaerli
Equal opportunities
- E. coli strains–in yellow and purple–that grow together and exchange amino acids inside a microfluidic chamber (ref). Image segmented and color-coded for quantitative analysis. Courtesy of Alma Dal Co and Martin Ackermann.