The NCCR Microbiomes aims to foster the development of new technologies and industrial applications from all its work packages. To this end, the following measures will be implemented:
- identifying and discussing opportunities resulting from each of the partners’ research within the NCCR Microbiomes
- promoting spin-off activities by NCCR students and collaborators through NCCR grants
- identifying and helping third-party interests and the private sector to associate with NCCR developments
- building strong links with companies and startups with interests in nutraceutical, pharmaceutical or microbiome products
- identifying and managing intellectual property
- holding regular meetings with stakeholders
- fostering managerial soft-skills among NCCR members
Exchange with stakeholders 2020-2023
- Swiss Microbiomes Forum
- Bench2Biz. A workshop for aspiring entrepreneurs organized by a consortium of NCCRs. The NCCR Microbiomes was co-organiser in 2021, 2022 (co-lead organiser), and in 2023
- NCCR virtual showcase: organised in 2023, a dozen guests from the industry (Nestlé Research, Syngenta, Roche, and the start-ups PharmaBiome and Arkaiya) discussed with NCCR researchers on the online Gather.Town platform poster sessions, paving the way for future collaborations
- Targeted outreach to companies and foundations active in microbiome research in CH: TwentyGreen, Gnubiotics, PharmaBiome, 2Blades Foundation, Seedling Foundation, Seerave Foundation, Swiss Food Research
NCCR spin-off projects
The NCCR currently supports two projects, which are closely followed and supported by our TT Advisor:
CellCognize. Led by Dr. Birge Özel-Duygan, this spin-off develops machine-learning approaches for rapid quantitative analysis of clinical microbiomes using flow cytometry data. CellCognize is part of WP1, where its approach has been successfully applied to stool samples and compared to results obtained with 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing. CellCognize aims to provide a rapid, simple, and affordable profile of the human gut microbiome that can distinguish between healthy and dysbiotic microbiota. CellCognize GmbH was founded June 30, 2023.
SANTELLA. Led by Dr. Olivier Schären, this spin-off develops a novel probiotic vaccine for the poultry industry. Santella originated from the WP2 research on Salmonella and mucosal immunity, but its goal is to develop vaccines against avian pathogenic E. coli, which was identified as the main concern for animal healthcare professionals and poultry breeders.