Philipp Engel is granted an SNSF Consolidator Grant to study the bee microbiome

Philipp Engel, Professor at the University of Lausanne and Deputy Director of the NCCR Microbiomes, is one among 30 principal investigators to receive a prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation Consolidator Grant, as announced on 8 February.
The SNSF Consolidator Grants are a transitional measure of the Swiss government meant to palliate the non-eligibility of Swiss researchers to the ERC Grant Programme of the European Union, due to the current status of Switzerland as a non-associated third country.
The 5-years funded project – Global bee microbiome profiling: Causes and consequences of host specificity in gut microbiomes – will explore how gut microbiomes evolve and function in the context of the bee-microbes symbiosis. Experimental and field work will be conducted in Switzerland, but also in Malaysia and Brasil.
Congratulations to Philipp and his team!