Yolanda Schaerli and Sara Mitri promoted to Associate Professors

Yolanda Schaerli and Sara Mitri, two Principal Investigators of the NCCR Microbiomes at the University of Lausanne, have recently gained tenure. They have both been promoted to Associate Professors at the Department of Fundamental Microbiology as of January and February 2023, respectively.
The Schaerli and Mitri groups are cornerstones of our NCCR’s Work Package 5, and they have developed strong collaborations across different work packages and with many other NCCR research groups. We are thrilled that Yolanda and Sara’s promotions will ensure the continuation of these exciting projects. Our warmest congratulations to Yolanda and Sara for this career achievement!
Link: https://www.unil.ch/fbm/fr/home/menuinst/la-releve-academique/nominations–promotions/nominations.html