
zDB: bacterial comparative genomics made easy
Marquis, B., Pillonel, T., Carrara, A., Bertelli, C. (2024).
Environmental and geographical factors influencing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 over 2 years: a fine-scale spatiotemporal analysis
De Ridder, D., Ladoy, A., Choi, Y., Jacot, D., Vuilleumier, S., Guessous, I., Joost, S., Greub, G. (2024).
Ectopic colonization by oral bacteria as an emerging theme in health and disease
Hernandez-Cabanyero, C., Vonaesch, P. (2024).
Gut microbiomes of agropastoral children from the Adadle region of Ethiopia reflect their unique dietary habits
Yersin, S., Garneau, J. R., Schneeberger, P. H. H., Osman, K. A., Cercamondi, C. I., Muhummed, A. M., Tschopp, R., Zinsstag, J., Vonaesch, P. (2023).
From microbiome composition to functional engineering, one step at a time
Burz, S. D., Causevic, S., Dal Co, A., Dmitrijeva, M., Vonaesch, P., Vorholt, J., et al. (2023).
Temporal changes in fecal microbiota of patients infected with COVID-19: a longitudinal cohort
Galperine, T., Choi, Y., Pagani, J.-L., Kritikos, A., Greub, G., Guery, B., Bertelli, C., et al. (2023).
Dynamics and consequences of nutrition-related microbial dysbiosis in early life: study protocol of the VITERBI GUT project
Tamarelle, J., Creze, M., Savathdy, V., Phonekeo, S., Wallenborn, J., Vonaesch, P., et al. (2023).
A MALDI-TOF MS library for rapid identification of human commensal gut bacteria from the class Clostridia
Asare, P. T., Lee, C.-H., Hürlimann, V., Teo, Y., Vonaesch, P., et al. (2023).
Detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection clusters: The useful combination of spatiotemporal clustering and genomic analyses
Choi, Y., Ladoy, A., De Ridder, D., Jacot, D., Greub, G., et al. (2022).
doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1016169
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